
Interesting web pages

Wednesday 20 May 2020


Hello families and kids

How are you, today? I hope everybody is ok. Today is Wednesday, so I have  English with THIRD GRADE B and English, Science and Arts with THIRD GRADE A. 

Let's start with THIRD GRADE B. English

Open your book, read again the story on pages 86 and 87. Then do the activity 4 in your notebooks.

Read the sentences and say TRUE or FALSE. Then say why.

1. The children are at school

2. Lois is hungry

3. They see the walls of a building

4. Lois finds a piece of iron.

5. Bo finds a helmet.

6. Ash talks to Mr. Phillips.

Now, do the activity six. Design your own mosaic. Does it show plants, animals or people?



Please, have another look at Yesterday's post. Watch the videos again and try to do the online worksheet one more time. 


We have finished one of the parts of this Unit in which we talked about the Universe and its parts. Now it's time for us to learn about our planet. THE EARTH. 
Hemos terminado una de las partes de nuestra unidad en la que hemos hablado sobre el Universo y sus partes. Ahora es momento de aprender más sobre nuestro planeta LA TIERRA 
First of all, we are going to watch this video. 
Empecemos por ver este vídeo. 

In this video we watched how the Earth moves. First of all, we talk about ROTATION
En este vídeo hemos visto cómo se mueve la tierra. Primero de todo, hablamos sobre la ROTACIÓN. 

Now, write in your notebooks this summary. Also, draw how the Sun's rays reach the Planet Earth as in the picture before. 
Ahora, escribid en vuestros cuadernos este resumen. También, dibujad cómo inciden los rayos del Sol en el Planeta Tierra igual que en la foto anterior


The Earth spins on its axis. This movement is called ROTATION and it takes 24 hours to complete. 
This movement produces the cycle of day and night. When the Earth spins, the Sun's rays don't reach every part of the planet.  It is night where the Sun's rays don't reach. 


As an ARTS PROJECT, I would like you to do your own mosaic. You will have to cut in small pieces cardboards of different colours. Then you will choose a drawing and decorate it with the small pieces. You can get some inspiration from these examples. 
Como proyecto de arte, me gustaría que hagáis vuestro propio mosaico. Tendréis que cortar trozos pequeños de cartulina o folios de diferentes colores. Elegid un dibujo que os guste y decoradlo con los trocitos de papel. Podéis inspiraros en estos ejemplos. 

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