
Interesting web pages

Thursday 21 May 2020


Hello families and kids,
Hola familias y niñ@s

How are you, today? I hope everybody is fine. 
¿Cómo estáis hoy? Espero que todos estéis bien. 

Today is Thursday so I have English and Science with THIRD GRADE B and English with THIRD GRADE A. 

Let's start with

Open your book on pages 86 and 87. Read again the story. You can also watch it again if you need it.
 Now, go to plage 88 and do the activities: 1, 3 and 4.
 In the activity 4 you just have to say those sentences aloud, saying the affirmative part, firstly and the negative, secondly.  
Don't forget to read, listen and repeat the activity 2. Here you have the listening links. 





Let's continue with the ROTATION. Here you have some interactive worksheets to practice. Remember to read your notes again before doing them. 

Continuemos con la ROTACIÓN. Aquí tenéis algunas fichas interactivas para practicar. Recordad, leer los apuntes antes de hacerlas. 



Let's talk about GRAMMAR.
Hablemos de GRAMÁTICA.

We are introducing the PAST TENSE step by step. First, we saw it with the use of VERB TO BE.
Estamos presentando el tiempo pasado paso a paso. Primero, vimos el uso del pasado en el VERBO TO BE. 

PRESENT                   PAST

am                              I was 

You are                         You were

We also saw it with THERE IS/THERE ARE and its past: THERE WAS / THERE WERE
También lo vimos con HAY / HABÍA. 

PRESENT                                                                  PAST

There is a rat in the cage                                           There was a rat in the cage

There are some crayons on the desk                         There were some crayons on the desk

Now, we are introducing the past tense with other regular/"weak" verbs. We know that we use  AUXILIARY VERBS like DO DON'T   DOES DOESN'T  to do the negative and interrogative forms of weak verbs in the present tense.

Ahora lo vamos a introducir con verbos regulares de los que llamamos "débiles". Ya sabemos que necesitamos VERBOS AUXILIARES como DO DON'T   DOES DOESN'T para formar las frases en interrogativa y negativa en el presente

        Affirmative                                            Negative                                          Interrogative

play basketball every day.    I don't play basketball every day.     Do I play basketball every day?

She plays basketball                    She doesn't play basketball                  Does she play basketball?

Well to do the negative and interrogative forms of the verbs in the past we use the past form of "DO" and "DOES" which is DID. There are some other "marks" that help us to identify the past tense like the use of  "-ed" at the end of the regular verbs: play / played.

Bien, para hacer la forma interrogativa y negativa de los verbos en pasado, utilizamos la forma en pasado de "DO" y "DOES", que es DID. Hay algunas otras marcas de pasado que nos ayudan a identificar este tiempo, como por ejemplo el uso de "-ed" al final de los verbos regulares: play / played.

      Affirmative                                         Negative                                         Interrogative

I played basketball yesterday     I didn't play basketball yesterday      Did play basketball yesterday?

All this information might be a little confusing. For that reason, I will explain it in a video. In the meantime, you can check this Youtube videos and practice in these online worksheets.

Toda esta información puede resultar un poco confusa. Por ello, os lo explicaré mediante video y/o videollamada. Al mismo tiempo, podéis ver estos vídeos de YOUTUBE y practicar la ficha online que os propongo. Cuando hayáis hecho todo eso, haced el ejercicio que os propongo en el cuaderno.



             NOW, PRACTICE           

Click on this picture and practice the past tense for regular verbs in affirmative. 

Write and do this activity in your notebook. 

1. Transform these affirmative sentences into negative as in the example: 

EXAMPLE:  She played volleyball at the beach.------- She didn't play volleyball at the beach. 

a) You cooked dinner last night ---- You ______  _______ dinner last night.

b) Hannah fixed her father's car ----- Hannah _______  _______ her father's car. 

c) She played the bass guitar in a band---- She _______   ________ the bass guitar in a band

d) My brother washed the dishes. ---- My brother ________  _________ the dishes. 

e) Your father cooked a delicious chicken ----  Your father _______  ________  a delicious chicken.  

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