
Interesting web pages

Thursday 16 April 2020


Good morning, families and kids
Buenos días familias y niñ@s

How was this week? It is hard to go back to the routine but we will get it!. Remember to contact me if you have any personal situations or doubts you consider I should know.
¿Qué tal ha ido la semana? Es duro volver a la rutina pero lo conseguiremos. Recordad contactar conmigo si tenéis cualquier situación personal o dudas que consideréis que debo saber.

As it is Friday I've got English and Science with THIRD GRADE B and English with THIRD GRADE A.
Como hoy es viernes, tengo Inglés y Science con Tercero B e Inglés con Tercero A

Let's start with THIRD GRADE B ENGLISH
Empecemos con tercero B en Inglés

Now that we have reviewed the vocabulary, we are going to start with the story.
Ahora que hemos repasado el vocabulario, vamos a empezar la historia
Try to guess the meaning of these words. Do you remember any of them?
Intenta adivinar el significado de estas palabras. ¿Recuerdas alguna de ellas?
- old
- modern
- under
- next to
- quiet
- noisy
- years ago
- broken
Now, I would like you to read the text twice. Underline the words that you don't understand.
Ahora me gustaría que leyerais la historia dos veces. Subraya las palabras que no entiendas
Then listen to the story.
Después, escucha la historia
Now watch the story. Click bellow.
Ahora puedes ver la historia. Pincha debajo

Do you understand now all the story?
¿La has entendido entera?
Then, try to answer to these questions. Copy the questions in your notebook. Do not forget the date.
Entonces, intenta contestar estas preguntas. Puedes mirar el libro para recordar. Cópialas en tu cuaderno y no olvides poner la fecha.
Friday, April, 17th, 2020. Spring


Watch this video about the arthropods

Read these notes about crustaceans and arachnids.

Copy this summary on your notebook. Do not forget the date.

Friday, April, 17th, 2020. Spring.

Crustaceans have a body divided into two parts: cephalothorax and abdomen. They have two antennae and ten legs. Crustaceans don't have wings.

Arachnids have a body divided into cephalothorax and abdomen. They have eight legs. They do not have antennae or wings.

Watch this video about the arachnids




Read and watch again the story ( You can use the link I gave you yesterday)

Lee y mira de nuevo la historia (Puedes utilizar el mismo enlace de ayer)

Copy and asnswer these TRUE OR FALSE questions in your notebook.

Copia y responde estas preguntas de verdadero o falso en tu cuaderno

1 comment:

  1. Hello, my dears
    Here you have the correction of these activities.

    antiguo, moderno, debajo (bajo algo), al lado, silencioso, ruidoso, "años antes" (hace tantos años), roto/a
    ACT. 1
    1.1 square; 1.2. river; 1.3. problema; 1.4. Wall; 1.5. coming
    2.1 F; 2.2 T;2.3 F; 2.4 F; 2.5 T.
