
Interesting web pages

Monday 16 November 2020


 Hello families and kids

As most of you know, we are involved in some Erasmus Projects. 

Our last Project is related to traditional games so we kindly ask you to participate in this short Questionaire. 

It will take two minutes to fill it 

Thank you so much in advance. 

Hola familias y niñ@s, 

como la mayoría sabéis, nuestro cole está en varios Proyectos Erasmus. Nuestro último proyecto está relacionado con el tiempo libre y los juegos tradicionales. Por ello, os pedimos amablemente que participéis en este corto cuestionario. 

Os llevará un par de minutos. 

Gracias por adelantado


Wednesday 11 November 2020

Interactive Worksheet

 Hello families and kids, 

here you have an interactive worksheet to practice what we are learning. 

You have the same worksheet in the AULA VIRTUAL. 


Hello families and kids, 

here you have a video about the parts of the body. 

It is a good way to review what we are learning now. 


Wednesday 4 November 2020


Hello families and kids, 

Here you have the introductory video of this unit. Check it out!

All about our body!



 Hello families and kids, 

we are starting a new unit in both Natural Science and English. It is all about our BODY. 

We will learn the parts of the body and face. We will also learn about the FIVE SENSES, their ORGANS and what we do with them. 

Here you have a nice song for them to practice.